To Be or Do, that is the question
For me, life is a balance of being and doing. When I am focused in doing, I go full out to the best of my abilities and push my body physically to expand my muscles and tissues along with strengthening mental focus and willpower through resistance training. My focus is on doing the actions first, then being or taking care of my cretive spirit later. I work hard at my goals until BAM, there is an obstacle or wall in thinking. When this sets in, the be-ing part of my spirit kick in. All of a sudden, my desire for Soul nourishment takes over and Universal energy takes over. The shift changes from focusing on the care of my spirit, then taking action towards my goals.
This will usually come in the form of Reiki energy. What I mean, is that I will start to see articles or pictures of the mirculous energy of Reiki. This is a reminder that it is in fact a part of me, and plays a huge part in the success of my goals. Sometimes slowing down physically and mentally increases the rate of energy. By letting go of any expectation and judgement, the channel of creativity opens up to bring new and fresh ideas.
Years ago, after receiving Level 1 Reiki, I started practicing on myself. I truly believe that my experiences with this practice allowed me to open up a little more to my deeper psyche. Reiki has deepened my sense of self and has shown me to how to accept that there is more to life than what we can see, touch, hear, smell and taste. In fact, my belief, faith and trust in what I can only refer to as a "force" amplified my senses, and I experienced moments, where if skeptics heard these stories, would have had a hay day with me!
Once I received my Level 2, I started practicing on others. There were some moments where even I was left in awe. At this point, not only did I feel the energetic pulse or force, but those who were on the receiving end did as well. There are some things that cannot be explained, just felt and driven by our belief and trust in a higher power.
When I am in tune with the energy pulse within, I feel the desire to write. I can only explain it as beckoning of my soul. It re-news itself as I contemplate and write out my thoughts. There is intention with writing. With every article or line of poetry, I am able to visually see what I am thinking. Some days there is a lot of non-sense, but most of the time, there is a learning in there for me. I also believe that there are others out there who may read my words and receive something from them. The words are written with the loving and creative energy to strengthen and inspire. Another way of explaining it would be, "the warrior and spirit in me, see's the warrior and spirit in you. How can I inspire you?"
So where am I at this point in time? Well, I usually hit the gym first but this morning, I felt the need to write. It started last night when I came across and article on Reiki. It was an absolute reminder for me to take care of my spirit. I have felt quite lethargic lately and have not written an article in awhile. So as I was performing Reiki on myself last night, I was put in a state of peace, love and awe as my hands moved over my body. It was a feeling of letting go and trusting that the energy knows where it needs to go. This time was different, a pulling of stuck energy from certain areas and sending them out into the Universe. I am always amazed at my own experiences and feelings while performing energy work.
Now that I have written these words, I am going to take action and hit the gym to refuel my physical mojo and get the blood flowing. For those who have taken the time to read these words, I leave you with this. Namaste, or in other words, "The spirit and warrior in me see's the spirit and warrior in you."