After a lengthy career as a registered nurse. (With my main focus being children and adolescents therapy)., I sought another career path. Thus, after I retired, I opened a small business which caters to the community's and organizations promotional products needs.
I have known Kristen personally for many years as a friend and as a coach. I would highly recommend her as a lifestyle trainer
as believe that she would be an asset to anyone looking for change.
Vivian Field, Sudbury, Ontario
Kristen asked me to be on a Warrior Dash Team in the summer of 2015. After I finally said yes, I have no regrets. Leading our team with bootcamp sessions a few times per week, Kristen inspired me to carry through until the end. Not only did I enjoy our sessions, but I felt my body change throughout the process. I would recommend Kristen as a Coach to those looking for a push. Her knowledge, expertise and energetic personality is contagious.
Fortunata Camposeo, Aurora, Ontario
'The first time I met Kristen at my daughter’s dance studio, I did not anticipate the great compassion, generosity and friendship that was to follow. Kristen taught me to love and accept myself as I am, and from that place of strength make changes for continued growth and improvement. My future goals are no longer benchmarks that I don’t measure up to. I don’t beat myself up for what I didn’t do yesterday. Instead I work towards my goals; enjoying the journey just as much as reaching the goal. The funny thing is that I have accomplished more this year, than I have for a long time. Not in a million years did I think I would complete the Warrior Dash at 43 years whilst studying at university, running a business and raising 3 kids! Kristen gathered a group together, and the accountability to myself and the group, kept me on track. The food plans Kristen gave me were easy, and used real ingredients I recognised from my pantry/fridge. Kristen’s workouts were well thought out, fun and needed only sneakers, and a field. Kristen instinctively knew when I needed tough love and when I needed patience and compassion. A year ago I had no time nor energy to do much more than hope to lose weight, now I go to the gym like I own it, and running around my block is just a matter of grabbing sneakers. Kristen inspired me to stop thinking about it and do it today. When I do start slipping, she sends a new smoothie recipe to try, or arranges a group workout, or invites me for tea and a chat, or starts planning the next race.
Robyn Reinemo, Newmarket, Ontario