A grapefruit a day keeps the bloating away!
I never really ate grapefruit until I hired a nutritionist to help me with my contest prep a few years back. I mean, I saw my parents consume it for breakfast once in awhile, but that's about it. Little did I know that the nutritional benefits were loaded with juicy awesomeness!! Now that I am fully back on board mentally, physically and spiriutally with contest preparation, I'd like to share some of the juicy benefits of this colorful, soft and divine fruit.
Here are a few reasons to incorporate grapefruit into your daily meal plan:
1) Grapefruit is endowed with a high amount of antioxidants. Great for the skin ladies and gents!
2) Rich in vitamin C
3) High quantity of natural fat burning compounds.
4) Helps lower bad cholesterol
5) It is slightly acidic in nature, but when it gets digested, it has an alkaline reaction in the body which helps with bloating. Amazing!!
6) ***If you search yourself, you will find many more reasons why to incorporate this amazing fruit into your lifestyle.